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Latest Construction Development – Update

We are delighted to update you that, weather depending, the current crane works on the roof of the construction building are due for completion late Thursday evening (22nd February 2024).

Therefore, the College will have reopened the public right of way by Friday 23rd February at 9am. If, for any unseen reason or due to inclement weather stopping the crane lift, we will communicate this at the earliest opportunity.  Unfortunately, due to the contamination on the North Drive, this route will remain closed until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to all as we work tirelessly to resolve this situation.

As previously communicated, Oaklands have made an application to extend the current TTROs beyond the end of March 2024. The application makes it clear that the routes will only be closed when necessary to protect the safety of users and will remain open at all other times. The anticipated dates and associated works are as below:

  • w/c 1st April – commencement of enabling works for new sub-station installation.
  • w/c 8th April – trenching works across East Drive for service connections to sub-station.
  • w/c 15th April – UKPN sub-station installation works.

Should the building contractors require any further days, due to unforeseen circumstances, for example due to adverse weather conditions, the College will communicate this as soon as possible. We will place signs at the entrances to the footpaths indicating the anticipated days that closures will be required, as well as informing Hertfordshire County Council and residents groups and all updates will be published on our website.

We would like to apologise to all our local residents and community users for the inconvenience caused during the period of closure. The College has dramatically increased its engagement with the local community over the last two years with a significant increase in the community events offered. We are looking forward to many community events this year, starting with our lambing weekend 23rd-24th March 2024 and will be releasing our first community newsletter in March. We are always keen to improve our links with the community, if you would like to hear more about these plans please join our mailing list by emailing community@oaklands.ac.uk