Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.
Full Time
A minimum of 6 GCSEs grade 5 or above which must include English & maths and a grade 6 in subjects specifically being studied.
A team of highly qualified and experienced Business Teachers
St Albans Campus
AQA Education
You will sit various in-class assessments over the two-year course, leading up to formal exams at the end of the second year.
Business is a wide-ranging and popular A Level. It is an appropriate choice for those considering careers in all areas of business, including media and marketing, finance, customer services, business analysis, social and market research, teaching and many more. It combines particularly well with A-levels in English Literature, Psychology, Sociology and Law.
A Levels can lead you onto many different career paths, including university to further develop your skills in your chosen subject(s).
'Oaklands has been very different from school, it has set me up for college, the tutors have been excellent, the environment brilliant and I have walked away today with an A*, 98% overall and got into my first choice university to study Physics.' - George Milleret, Intensive Maths A Level
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.