Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.
Part Time
We will give you an online assessment and interview to help decide which course is right for you. You may also be asked to complete a short piece of free writing. If you are not at GCSE level yet you can study Skills for Life programmes, which are nationally recognised qualifications and can be a stepping stone to GCSEs. You will be expected to attend all sessions and have 95% attendance or above.
St Albans Campus
AQA Education
At the end of the course you will sit two externally written exams: Each examination is split equally between a Reading and Writing section. Both examinations are 1 hour and 45 minutes long and are worth 80 marks each. Both exams are paper based. You will carry out a Speaking & Listening assessment unless you have the minimum of a pass carried over from a previous 9'1 Spoken Language Assessment.
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.