Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.
Part Time
We will give you an online assessment and interview to help decide which course is right for you. If you're not at GCSE level yet you can study Functional Skills, which are nationally recognised qualifications and can be a stepping stone to GCSEs.
All our GCSE Maths teachers are specialists in the subject. Within the team we have over 50 years experience in teaching GCSE Maths.
St Albans Campus
Pearson Education Ltd (Formerly EDEXCEL)
The GCSE will be entirely assessed by written examinations, which means no coursework will be expected from students. There are three exams in the early summer, typically late May and early June. Each exam lasts 90 minutes. For the first exam you will not be allowed to use a calculator. You will need a good quality calculator for the second and third exams. For example a Casio fx-83, or Casio fx-85, or similar. During the course we will set tests to give you an idea of how you are progressing and which topics you need to focus on. These tests do not count towards your final grade. You final grade is dependent solely on the three exams.
A pass in GCSE Mathematics (along with GSCE English) is often vital for entrace to training and is required for many jobs.
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.