Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.
Part Time
A minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade 9 - 3 including a grade 4 in either maths or English and a Level 1 qualification.
All the tutors are fully qualified experienced bricklayers All the teachers regularly return to industry to keep up with current building methods of construction
St Albans Campus
City & Guilds of London Institute
The course is assessed with practical modules, on-line multiple choice exams and assignments. Students will sit two end of year exams Construction Health & Safety & Principals of construction.
On successful completion of an Level 2 Diploma in brickwork the natural progression is to continue into industry as an improver, Apprentice or an NVQ work based qualification.
Trowel trades can lead you onto many different career paths, including higher level courses to further develop your skills in your chosen subject(s).
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.