Part Time
You need to have a Level 3 qualification or equivalent in the subject that you would like to teach. Ideally you will have Level 2 English and Maths. All applicants will be required to undertake an initial assessment of skills in English and demonstrate that you are able to produce written work that is at level 2. You must have a basic knowledge of Microsoft Word in order to write the assignments. 5-7 hours study time outside the taught session is recommended.
You will be taught by an experienced team of tutors who have considerable experience of the further education and skills sector.
St Albans Campus
City & Guilds of London Institute
You will be assessed through written and practical assignments submitted as a portfolio of evidence.
To apply please go to the adult learner/Teacher Training section of the college website and apply online.
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.