Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.
We will give you an online assessment to find out what level you should begin your learning at. Your English will need to be at least one level below the maths course you need to study, as the language in maths is academic. With all Government funded course you must start studying at the level of your assessments and work your way up to the higher level if your results are lower.
You will be supported by an experienced specialist teacher allocated when your course starts, who is experienced in teaching the Functional Skills specification and continues to attend training sessions that allow them to keep up to date with current changes and modes of assessment within examination boards.
Distance Learning
Generic award - no awarding body
Exams take place monthly and you will be offered dates on completion of the learning. At all levels the maths qualification is assessed by two exams taken in the same sitting. The first paper is a non-calculator paper which you have 25 minutes to complete. The second paper is the calculator paper where you may use a scientific calculator to answer the questions. The time and number of questions vary depending on the level you are enrolled on to.
Please contact us to find out if you require any specific equipment for this particular course.